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    EU April methanol imports slip 20% as European supply crunch eases: Eurostat

    EU methanol imports in April slipped to 559,431 mt, down 20% from the March level of 700,048 mt, according to the latest monthly figures from Eurostat Monday. 

    Over the 12-month period, imports fell 14% or 92,305 mt, from the April 2014 figure of 651,736,150 mt. 

    Month-on-month methanol exports rose 3,488 mt to 14,508 mt in April from 11,020 mt in March level, while year-to-date exports rose 672 mt from 13,836 mt in April 2014. 

    Imports in April cooled since March when Methanex began importing volumes from its 1 million mt/year Geismar, Louisiana, facility as it sought to make up for a supply shortfall in Europe. 

    The shortage in Europe was caused by production issues at the company's facility in Damietta, Egypt. The 1.3 million mt/year plant has been down since February, sources have said.

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